The Things You Need to Know About Uninsured Loss Recovery!

We all know why we take out insurance, it’s a sensible thing to do and in many cases, also a legal requirement. We pay for our policy and can then sleep at night knowing that should the worst, happen we are protected.
The wake-up call can come when you realise that what you thought was full cover has in fact left some glaring holes that could result in you footing the bill.
Which is why Uninsured Loss Recovery was introduced, but what is Uninsured Loss Recovery?
If you’ve had an accident, then you might have some out of pocket expenses that aren’t covered by your insurance. These could be anything from lost earnings, phone calls you needed to make or more straightforward things like the cost of hiring a car or having to use public transport. Taken in isolation these costs may seem small or insignificant – what’s a phone call here and there? When you add up all of the potential ‘extras’ that standard cover would leave you having to pay out, though, and the costs can soon mount up.
Assuming the other driver was at fault, Uninsured Loss Recovery (also referred to as Legal Expenses Insurance) would help you to recoup those costs and potentially also seek compensation if you were injured.
How does it work?
Some policies will include uninsured loss recovery or have given an option to add it on when you took out your policy. The first step is to check your paperwork or contact your insurer to find out if you have it. If not, this is something you can purchase separately, even after an accident.
Types of Things Uninsured Loss Recovery Can Cover:
- Any excess you had to pay for repairs.
- Car hire charges, as long as these are reasonable. If you own an Aston Martin, you still need to justify hiring one whilst yours is in for repair. Likewise, if you own a Micra, then you shouldn’t hire a Mercedes.
- Clothing and personal items. Don’t throw away anything that was damaged until after your claim is settled; the items may need to be examined or evidenced. You should also look out any receipts of proof of purchase you might have for the items you will be claiming for.
- Towing and storage charges as long as the car is recovered in a reasonable time.
- Medical expenses and personal injury.
- Loss of earnings from missed work due to the accident.
- Legal fees incurred during the process.
How United Legal Assistance Can Help with Uninsured Loss
We have a 24-hour claims number so you can report it as soon as you’ve had an accident. We understand that having an accident is stressful enough, so we look to recover your losses and get you back on the road as soon as possible.
As well as having a sophisticated, bespoke case management system, our highly experienced in-house claims team also have extensive experience in recovering all forms of uninsured loss and will support you from the very start of your claim. You can also report and track your claims online in real time.
Peace of Mind
Insurance has always been about peace of mind; the trouble can come when what you thought would be covered, isn’t. Could you afford to lose days of work through injury or pay for car hire until yours was fixed? The good news is it’s never too late to purchase Legal Expense Insurance or pursue Uninsured Loss Recovery and United Legal Assistance is here 24 hours a day to start recouping your expenses and help take the weight off your shoulders.