Guaranteed Replacement Vehicle Insurance Products
Client’s involved in non-fault motor accidents are usually provided with a like for like hire vehicle. What about the customers who are unfortunate enough to have been involved in a fault accident, theft, fire or total loss situation? Our guaranteed replacement vehicle insurance is the answer. We will ensure your client’s stay on the road when this happens, by providing peace of mind. This cover is in addition to your client’s primary motor policy with up to 28-day cover for a replacement vehicle more suitable for the customer’s needs.

✓ Choice of Vehicle Type – Full range of vehicle types from standard cars right up to 44-tonne commercial vehicles. Over 30 different vehicle types and categories available.
✓ Cover Duration Options – Option to select 14, 21 or 28 days
✓ Multiple Claims – Up to 2 claims are possible during the policy period
✓ Medical fees and the cost of specialist treatment
✓ National Coverage – England, Wales and Scotland are covered
✓ Product Bundling Options – Bundle with the Motor Legal Expenses policy to offer a wider range of cover and protection
✓ Online Policy Sales – All policy sales carried out via our secure login accessed via our website platform. Policies can be incepted, renewed, amended and policy documentation can be white labelled if required
✓ Marketing Support – Full range of marketing support including printed leaflets and full training provided if needed
✓ Dedicated Claims Line – Calls handled by our experienced in-house team who will organise a replacement vehicle. Calls answered can be white labelled