Meet the ULA Team: Ben Navin

This is the first article in our new blog series; Meet the ULA Team. We wanted to give you an insight into the people behind United Legal, first up is our Claims Handler – Ben Navin.
1. Tell us about yourself and what you do at United Legal Assistance?
Hi, I’m Ben my role at United Legal is to handle cases from start to finish and recover the client’s uninsured losses. These may be the cost of repairs to the customer’s vehicle, an excess (if the client uses their policy for repairs in non-fault cases) and on occasion hire charges.
I also appoint hire car companies for clients whose vehicles have been deemed unroadworthy following an accident, and they are unable to arrange a replacement themselves. I aim to make the process of a claim as simple and stress-free as possible for clients and provide the best service possible.
2. What has been your top moment at ULA so far?
My top moment with ULA so far has been when I managed to claim a commercial client’s losses back in full. This particular application was tough to handle as the third party insurers were adamant that their client was not at fault for the accident. I spent a lot of time looking through various pieces of evidence regarding the case and managed to obtain an admission of liability and the losses in full. The client was extremely happy with the way this claim was handled.
3. How long have you worked in the Insurance Industry?
I have worked in the insurance industry for just over two years having started with ULA in June 2014.
4. What is your favourite thing to do outside of work?
Outside of work, I enjoy socialising with friends and watching various sporting events. I play darts for a local pub team and compete in both men’s league and a mixed league. I am a season ticket holder at Everton FC and go to every home game with my older brother who is also a season ticket holder.
5. Tell us something that nobody in the office knows about you?
I didn’t learn how to swim until I was 14 and taught myself in Turkey while on holiday with my family.
6. What is your dream car?
A Black Lamborghini Aventador
7. If you were to host a party, which 3 celebrities would you invite and why?
Duncan Ferguson – He has always been a hero of mine from watching him play for Everton while I was growing up.
Alan Sugar – I have always wanted to talk to him about his business sense and how he came up with the ideas that made him so successful. I could also possibly pitch him some ideas and convince him to invest in me.
Russell Brand – I find his films and show really funny, and I think it would be interesting to discuss with him his political views. I have also read his autobiography so it would be interesting to talk to him about how he turned his life around.