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broker partner managers have been instructed to cancel all non-essential travel and meetings. They are all working from home, so will be available to assist in any way they can, via telephone, email or Skype."},{info:"As a result of this pandemic, some Insurers are advising that they have limited staff and that their service may vary. They have also informed us that they will not respond to constant calls or emails, and anyone found guilty of doing so will be put to the back of the queue."},{info:"Consequently, we ask for your patience during this period, as we may not be able to perform to our usually high standards for reasons out of our control."},{info:"We are in constant communication with our partners; hire companies, repairers and insurance brokers, to ensure that we are able to perform the roles and responsibilities asked of us and should anything change we will update everyone further."},{info:"If we can assist anyone further, whether it’s by taking Fault claims, redirecting your claims number to us or other types of claims, please get in touch and we will do all we can to work together to get the best outcome for our clients."},{info:"Finally, we would like to ask everyone to remain diligent, follow the Government guidelines in trying to reduce the spread and think of others when buying your supplies."},{info:"We are all in this together."}]},h={title:"Hospitality",text:[{info:"**We understand the need to build strong relationships in order to create a strong, long-lasting, working partnership – what better way to start that journey, than to enjoy a fantastic meal, or drink, or both!**"},{info:"**We have a table in the Gallery Lounge at Old Trafford for all Manchester United FC home games, as well as a table in the Brian Labone Lounge at Goodison Park for Everton FC. In recent times we have held events at The Open Golf Championship and the British Grand Prix, the Grand National at Aintree Racecourse, as well as a golf day at the prestigious Royal Birkdale Golf Club.**"},{info:"**We know, through experience, that all of this not only builds relationships, but enhances them – and as such, we give our broker partners access to bring existing/prospective clients, ensuring they are aware of the partnership we hold so highly with our partners.**"}]},m={twoColumn:!0,comparison:[{background:i.A,overlayImage:o.A,subtitle:"Manchester United Hospitality",info:"Fancy a trip to Old Trafford? We’ve got seats in the Evolution Suite at Old Trafford, where we take our clients. So why not save your place, and register your interest?",label:"Learn More",url:"/manchester-united-hospitality/"},{background:n.A,overlayImage:r.A,subtitle:"Everton F.C. Hospitality",info:"Or even a trip to Goodison Park? We’ve got seats in the Brian Labone Lounge at Goodison – which is a fabulous day out. So why not save your place, and register your interest?",label:"Learn More",url:"/everton-fc-hospitality/"}]},p={margin:!0,backgroundColor:"#f9f9f9",themeColor:"#005D8F",questionMark:!0,title:"Would you like more information about our Claims Management Service?",description:"If you have any questions about our Claims Management service, our team would be more than happy to answer your questions. Simply get in touch today.",displayBtn:!0,label:"Get in Touch",link:"true",url:"/contact-us",bottomPadding:!0},g={image:s,pngImage:l,Aligned:!0,Title:"Our Manchester United Hospitality:",Subtitle:[{text:"FANCY COMING TO THE GAME?"},{text:"WE’RE PAYING!"},{text:"CAN WE COUNT YOU IN?"}]},f={image:c,pngImage:d,Aligned:!0,Title:"Our Everton Football Club Hospitality:",Subtitle:[{text:"FANCY COMING TO THE GAME?"},{text:" WE’RE PAYING!"},{text:"CAN WE COUNT YOU IN?"}]},y={margin:!0,backgroundColor:"#ffffff",themeColor:"#cb1f2d",questionMark:!0,title:"Would you like more information about our Manchester United Hospitality?",info:[{text:"It would be great to catch up whilst enjoying good food and watching world class football."},{text:"With a real sense of Manchester United’s extraordinary achievements, it’s a superb location in which to be inspired by greatness."},{text:"We would love to welcome you on a match day, for you to experience United Legal Assistance’s passion!"},{text:"Simply register your interest here!"}],displayBtn:!0,label:"Get in Touch",link:"true",url:"/"},b={margin:!0,backgroundColor:"#ffffff",themeColor:"#063A99",questionMark:!0,title:"Would you like more information about our Everton Football Club Hospitality?",description:"Enjoy match day in a relaxed atmosphere, then watch the game from outstanding directors box stadium seats.",info:[{text:"✓ Champagne arrival"},{text:"✓ 3-course meal"},{text:"✓ Free bar all day (wines, beers,spirits & soft drinks)"},{text:"✓ Half time tea & coffee"},{text:"✓ Match day programme"},{text:"✓ Guest speaker – usually a former player with the chance to meet and greet"},{text:"✓ Comfy seats in the Directors area of the main stand"},{text:"HOW DOES THIS SOUND? REGISTER YOUR INTEREST TODAY!"}],displayBtn:!0,label:"Get in Touch",link:"true",url:"/"},v={title:"Public Alert - Cold Call Warning",text:[{info:"Members of the public have received telephone calls falsely claiming to be calling on behalf of “United Legal Solicitors” possibly from overseas."},{info:"**United Legal Assistance Ltd** is not a Solicitors firm, and would not call out in this manner."},{info:"**What is the call about?**"},{info:"The ICO has been informed that unsolicited telephone calls have been made to members of the public in the name of United Legal Solicitors or similar. It is reported the telephone calls have been made from various mobile telephone numbers and related to possible road traffic accident claims."},{info:"Any business or transactions conducted through unsolicited telephone calls falsely claiming to be on behalf of **United Legal Assistance Ltd** in different names are not undertaken by a solicitor’s practice or an individual authorised or regulated by the SRA."},{info:"United Legal Assistance Ltd confirm they have no connection with the telephone calls referred to above."},{info:"For more information please visit: [ICO - Spam texts and nuisance sales calls](https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/nuisance-calls-and-messages/spam-texts-and-nuisance-calls/)"}]},w={text:[{info:"The Ogden rate is an important factor for any insurance broker to understand, as it affects how much claimants can expect to gain from a personal injury claim \n and how much insurers will be charging for them to pursue it. A recent alteration in the law in regard to the Ogden rate is causing major ripples in the insurance \n industry, but just what has changed and why does this make a difference?"},{info:"As a broker, you’ll know that when a person makes a personal injury claim, they’re not only out for what they can get. More often than not they’re claiming \n because that injury is about to affect their whole life – and that includes their finances. If the claimant can no longer work, any compensation they gain will need \n to last them. This is where the Ogden rate – sometimes known as the discount rate – comes into play."},{info:"When a claimant with a life-changing injury accepts a lump sum insurance payment, this initial amount is adjusted depending on the interest they can expect \n to earn by investing that money (thereby keeping them going for longer, supposedly covering loss of earnings and care costs). The Ogden rate is the amount that the lump \n sum is adjusted. So basically, it’s a calculation used by the courts to work out how much the insurance companies should ultimately pay out."},{info:"Previously, the Ogden rate was set at 2.5% – so for every £1000 lost by the claimant, the insurer would pay out £975. It was expected that the claimant would then \n be able to earn 2.5% interest a year by investing that money, thereby making up the rest of what they were due. In March 2017 however, the rate was slashed to -0.75. For \n every £1000 lost then, the insurer will now have to pay out £1007.50."},{info:"So, what does this mean for the world of insurance? The change will cost the industry millions of pounds, and it’s not great for claimants either. Insurers are \n having to pay out more, so they’ll be charging more. The cost of a personal injury claim is going to increase and insurers will also increase their reserves on existing \n claims so that they can meet the awards made by the courts. As a result, the cost of motor, employers, public and products liability will be driven up."},{info:"If you have any questions or would like to discuss teh implications of the Ogden Rate please [Contact Us](/contact-us)."}]},x={title:"Blog",contents:[{Question:"Christmas 2020 – opening times",Answer:"We would like to thank everyone for their support shown throughout this unprecedented year and wish everyone a very happy and safe Christmas. Instead of Xmas cards or gifts his year we are...",URL:"christmas-2020-opening-times"},{Question:"New Partner Announcement: Walmsleys Commercial Insurance Brokers",Answer:"We are proud to announce that we have been appointed as claims management provider for one of the UK’s leading Chartered Insurance Brokers, Walmsleys Commercial. ULA will be providing a...",URL:"new-partner-announcement-walmsleys-commercial-insurance-brokers"},{Question:"5 Technology Startups Disrupting the Insurance Industry",Answer:"The rise of Insurance Technology has come as a surprise to those who view the industry of lacking forward thinking. However, in recent years the growth in FinTech and...",URL:"5-technology-startups-disrupting-insurance-industry"},{Question:"10 Tips for Under 25s Car Insurance",Answer:"Finding affordable and comprehensive car insurance cover for young drivers is often a challenge, especially after the hard work of passing your test and saving...",URL:"10-tips-25s-car-insurance"},{Question:"Meet the ULA Team: Pete Mitchell",Answer:"Next up in our Meet the ULA team series is Pete Mitchell. Pete is our Operations Manager, and here is what he gets up to… Tell us about yourself and what you do...",URL:"meet-ula-team-pete-mitchell"},{Question:"The Things You Need to Know About Uninsured Loss Recovery!",Answer:"We all know why we take out insurance, it’s a sensible thing to do and in many cases, also a legal requirement. We pay for our policy and can then sleep at...",URL:"the-things-you-need-to-know-about-uninsured-loss-recovery"},{Question:"Meet the ULA Team: Ben Navin",Answer:"This is the first article in our new blog series; Meet the ULA Team. We wanted to give you an insight into the people behind United Legal, first up is our Claims...",URL:"meet-ula-team-ben-navin"},{Question:"What is Telematics Insurance, and what’s the advantages?",Answer:"Today in the UK, there is over half-a-million motorists that have a telematics box installed in their vehicle, of which is part of a telematics insurance...",URL:"what-is-telematics-insurance"},{Question:"ULA Raise £600 for The Guide Dogs for the Blind Charity!",Answer:"On Friday 12th August, our client DCJ Group organised a golf day for The Guide Dogs for the blind charity, which raised a total of £3,800. We decided to help...",URL:"ula-raise-600-guide-dogs-blind-charity"},{Question:"United Legal Assistance to Support Fraud Prevention",Answer:"Personal Injury and motor fraud in the UK is a big problem. United Legal are pleased to be working with a market leading fraud prevention consultancy firm to...",URL:"united-legal-assistance-support-fraud-prevention"},{Question:"Fully Comprehensive Insurance vs Third Party",Answer:"When you drive, you have to have appropriate car insurance – the minimum cover being third party. Insurance companies offer various levels of cover and when you...",URL:"fully-comprehensive-insurance-vs-third-party"},{Question:"Our Top 10 Reliable Cars of 2015",Answer:"When you are thinking of buying a new car, the one thing you’re unlikely to compromise on is reliability and safety. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying a showy, sporty number or a good solid...",URL:"top-10-reliable-cars-2015"},{Question:"What should I do after a car accident?",Answer:"Being involved in a car accident, even just a bump, can be a stressful experience. In this blog, we’ll give you the information you need to help you decide what...",URL:"what-should-i-do-after-a-car-accident"},{Question:"Welcome to United Legal Assistance",Answer:"Welcome...",URL:"welcome-united-legal-assistance"}]}},2490:function(e,t,a){a.d(t,{nJ:function(){return B},CH:function(){return P},ZH:function(){return F},FX:function(){return D},rR:function(){return j}});var i=a(8021),n=a(9359),o=a(3135),r=a(1774),s=a(6698),l=a(7123),c=a(3747),d=a(4584),u=a(5646),h=a(733),m=a(6268),p=a(6909),g=a(8298),f=a(2629),y=a(2542),b=a(2132),v=a(1298),w=a(8723),x=a(1232),k=a.p+"static/products1-6a2525bffe31e24a7cc1161b9b50de56.png",E=a.p+"static/products2-7d4c32d9ad92a1bfe54b9a0e1d0e5b81.jpeg",A=a.p+"static/products3-ae0392e19fa07e69d42b4b63777fe65d.jpeg",T=a.p+"static/products4-f2b82f09a75b57baf746e68666e8d1c8.jpg",C=a.p+"static/breakdown1-937f64b58c31d3246d316e217934feda.jpg",I=a.p+"static/breakdown2-89284981708dda3eb2798a5dc98c5ccc.png",L=a.p+"static/excess1-414dea212dc9f3f01873377d79c7da8d.jpeg",N=a(2691),U=a(5113),M=a(9183),R=a.p+"static/landlord3-512028572eaed07d9a2bbe30fe9740f3.jpg",O=a(5435),W=a.p+"static/key1-ec2d4e3346e38bc5995e8870bd80fb59.jpg",S=a.p+"static/key2-07fd15fafc326ae3b0b569a5baa8fa88.jpeg";const D={products:[{paddingTop:!0,subtitle:"",sideImage:"right",title:"Motor Legal Expenses Products",alignment:"left",inline:!0,description:[{text:"When you are involved in a non-fault accident, it takes just one call to us for our team to immediately jump into action to make sure you can get back on the roads as soon as possible, minimising disruption for you.\n We make sure all the right steps are taken quickly to deal with the aftermath of the accident. This includes recovering your losses and expenses to ensure you don’t lose out when it’s not your fault and appointing experienced lawyers to claim compensation for any injuries suffered."}],image:O.A}],policy:[{sideImage:"left",alignment:"left",inline:!1,description:[{titleDes:"Your motor insurance policy will NOT cover all your expenses such as:"},{text:"✓ Your policy excess"},{text:"✓ Hire vehicle charges while yours is off the road"},{text:"✓ Compensation if you or any passengers are injured"},{text:"✓ Medical fees and the cost of specialist treatment"},{text:"✓ Damage to clothing or personal belongings"},{text:"✓ Compensation for being without transport"},{text:"✓ The cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle, if you’re insured third party or third party, fire & theft"},{text:"✓ Loss of earnings"},{text:"✓ Out of pocket expenses"}],image:k}],cover:[{sideImage:"right",alignment:"left",inline:!0,description:[{text:"You, your passengers and authorised drivers, also get the added benefit of £100,000 insurance cover to pay your legal costs should it prove necessary to go to court, provided that, in our opinion, your case has reasonable prospects of success.\n Please don’t ask for the help of a solicitor before contacting us because we won’t pay their bill."}],image:v.A}],additional:[{paddingTop:!0,sideImage:"right",title:"Motor Breakdown Recovery Products",alignment:"left",inline:!0,description:[{text:"Whilst the motor market is what we have built our foundations upon, we are aware of the need for our commercial partners to cater for a wider variety of clients and as such, we also provide the following range of policies:"},{text:"• Family Legal Expenses"},{text:"• Commercial Legal Expenses"},{text:"• Landlord Legal Expenses & Rent Guarantee"},{text:"• Home Emergency (Residential & Let)"},{text:"• Motor Breakdown Recovery"},{text:"• Motor Excess Protection"},{text:"If you would like any IPIDs, Wordings or further information on any of the above policies, please get in touch."}],image:T}],excess:[{paddingTop:!0,sideImage:"right",title:"We can offer the following Excess Protection Insurance products:",alignment:"left",inline:!0,description:[{text:"Levels of Cover from 250 – 2000"},{text:"✓ Car, Van & Bike"},{text:"✓ Taxi"},{text:"✓ Caravan & Motorhome"},{text:"✓ Fleet (per Vehicle)"},{text:"✓ Fleet (Aggregated)"},{text:"✓ Coach & Mini Bus"},{text:"✓ Motor Trade Road Risk"},{text:"✓ Motor Trades Combined"},{text:"✓ Commercial"},{text:"✓ Landlord, Tenants & Housing Associations"},{text:"✓ Home"},{text:"✓ Gadget"}],image:L}],guaranteed:[{paddingTop:!0,subtitle:"",sideImage:"right",title:"Guaranteed Replacement Vehicle Insurance Products",alignment:"left",inline:!0,description:[{text:"Client’s involved in non-fault motor accidents are usually provided with a like for like hire vehicle. What about the customers who are unfortunate enough to have been involved in a fault accident, theft, fire or total loss situation?\n Our guaranteed replacement vehicle insurance is the answer. We will ensure your client’s stay on the road when this happens, by providing peace of mind. This cover is in addition to your client’s primary motor policy with up to 28-day cover for a replacement vehicle more suitable for the customer’s needs."}],image:E}],choices:[{sideImage:"left",alignment:"left",inline:!0,description:[{text:"✓ Choice of Vehicle Type – Full range of vehicle types from standard cars right up to 44-tonne commercial vehicles. Over 30 different vehicle types and categories available."},{text:"✓ Cover Duration Options – Option to select 14, 21 or 28 days"},{text:"✓ Multiple Claims – Up to 2 claims are possible during the policy period"},{text:"✓ Medical fees and the cost of specialist treatment"},{text:"✓ National Coverage – England, Wales and Scotland are covered"},{text:"✓ Product Bundling Options – Bundle with the Motor Legal Expenses policy to offer a wider range of cover and protection"},{text:"✓ Online Policy Sales – All policy sales carried out via our secure login accessed via our website platform. Policies can be incepted, renewed, amended and policy documentation can be white labelled if required"},{text:"✓ Marketing Support – Full range of marketing support including printed leaflets and full training provided if needed"},{text:"✓ Dedicated Claims Line – Calls handled by our experienced in-house team who will organise a replacement vehicle. Calls answered can be white labelled"}],image:A}],keyCover:[{paddingTop:!0,sideImage:"right",title:"Key Cover Insurance",alignment:"left",inline:!0,description:[{text:"Key protection has been designed to reduce the stress and worry of losing your keys, as well as the expense."},{text:"If you talk to anybody that has lost a set of keys, they will tell you how much frustration and worry it causes. If stolen it’s not long before feelings of panic and despair set in. Fortunately, in most cases, the missing keys have been either innocently lost, or, if in the results of casual crime, discarded. In both instances, we can help with our Key Cover protection."}],image:W}],included:[{sideImage:"left",alignment:"left",inline:!1,description:[{titleDes:"What’s included?"},{text:"✓ Your policy excess"},{text:"✓ 24 hour 365 days a year Nationwide coverage"},{text:"✓ Up to £1,000 + VAT per claim for any key lost or stolen for duration of the policy"},{text:"✓ Three days car hire (up to £40 + VAT per day) when stranded by the theft or loss of your vehicle keys"},{text:"✓ No Insurance excess to pay"},{text:"✓ 12 months cover commencing from start date of policy"}],image:S}],landlord:[{paddingTop:!0,sideImage:"right",title:"Landlord Legal Protection Products",alignment:"left",inline:!0,description:[{text:"Our Landlord Professional Fees policy, is available to any landlord purchasing a buy to let residential property Insurance, offer all of this:"},{text:"✓ 50,000 of legal costs"},{text:"✓ Access to 24-hour legal helpline of lawyers (not call centre staff)"},{text:"✓ Multiple Claims – Up to 2 claims are possible during the policy period"},{text:"✓ Management of the entire eviction process where a tenant is facing to pay"},{text:"✓ Removal of squatters in the property"},{text:"✓ Payment of all legal costs in resolving other tenancy breaches not leading to eviction"},{text:"✓ Active pursuit of rent arrears to avoid long and expensive eviction"},{text:"✓ Marketing Support – Full range of marketing support including printed leaflets and full training provided if needed"},{text:"✓ Payment of legal fees to defend the landlord in both criminal and civil courts"}],image:M.A}],fees:[{sideImage:"left",alignment:"left",inline:!1,description:[{titleDes:"Why buy our Landlord Professional Fees?"},{text:"Evicting a non-paying tenant is a complicated and expensive legal process, and that takes around three months on average. As the landlord will not be receiving rent during this period having immediate access to specialist lawyers is vital to ensure all procedures are carried out the first time and loss of income minimised. At this heart of the policy is around the clock helpline staffed exclusively by legally trained personnel who can offer advice and trigger the claims process."},{titleDes:"How do we go one step further?"},{text:"Unlike many policies in the market, ours is there to assist with breaches of the tenancy agreement that may not lead to an eviction. No Landlord wants to evict a tenant as this costs time and money, but legal assistance may often be required to resolve issues such as the tenant using the property for business purposes, not paying the council tax or keeping pets against the landlords wishes. The costs of legal assistance for all types of breach are covered with us up to 50,000 pounds."}],image:T}],result:[{sideImage:"right",alignment:"left",inline:!1,description:[{titleDes:"And further still?"},{text:"Unlike Many policies, ours includes cover for the active pursuit of rent arrears, so is not just an eviction policy. If we can help bring the rental payments back in line and avoid a lengthy and costly removal process, that will generally to the best result for the landlord (and the tenant)."}],image:R}],economy:[{paddingTop:!0,sideImage:"right",title:"Motor Breakdown Recovery Products",alignment:"left",inline:!1,description:[{text:"We understand how important it is to have the right motor breakdown cover for your needs. Which is why our products are designed to keep you on the move. We provide three levels of cover, covering the United Kingdom and Europe."},{titleDes:"Economy – basic product"},{text:"This level of cover provides assistance at the roadside where we will try to repair your vehicle and get you back on the road. If a roadside repair is not possible, this level of cover includes recovery to a garage, destination or home address within 25 miles.\n Only four claims are allowed during the policy period."}],image:C}],fullCover:[{sideImage:"left",alignment:"left",inline:!1,description:[{titleDes:"Full UK"},{text:"A natural evolution of our Economy product, our Full UK cover provides roadside assistance and if a fix or repair is not possible provides recovery to a garage, home address or destination, whichever is nearer, irrespective of distance. Furthermore, the policy includes home start and should it be required, a hire car, overnight accommodation or onward destinations cover, the allocation (if applicable) of which lies at the discretion of 2Gether Insurance."},{titleDes:"Full UK & EU"},{text:"Provides the same level of cover as our Full UK product with the added advantage of being covered on the continent. The policy provides up to 90 days EU coverage during the policy period with a maximum single trip duration being 30 days."},{text:"Vehicles that can be covered are as follows:"},{text:"✓ Car Motorcycle and Private Van (up to 3.5 tones)"},{text:"✓ Commercial Vehicle (up to 3.5 tones)"},{text:"✓ Commercial Vehicle (over 3.5 tones & up to 7.5 tones)"},{text:"✓ Horsebox (up to 7.5 tones)"},{text:"✓ Horsebox (over 7.5 tones & up to 17.5 tones)"},{text:"✓ Motorhome (up to 5.5 tones)"},{text:"✓ Taxi (up to 7 seats including driver)"}],image:I}]},P={comparison:[{theme:"light",background:v.A,bgColor:"#015D8C",subtitle:"UNINSURED LOSS RECOVERY",info:"Flexible claims management solutions tailored to individual requirements.",label:"LEARN MORE",url:"/uninsured-loss-recovery/"},{theme:"dark",background:w.A,bgColor:"#127F91",subtitle:"CREDIT HIRE & CREDIT REPAIR",info:"Bespoke service to manage your company’s fleet, minimising unnecessary risk.",label:"LEARN MORE",url:"/credit-hire-and-credit-repair/"},{theme:"light",background:x.A,bgColor:"#015D8C",subtitle:"THIRD-PARTY INTERVENTION",info:"24-hour claims reporting line, where we support clients through a stressful process.",label:"LEARN MORE",url:"/third-party-intervention/"}]},F={theme:"light",title:"TRUSTED BY HUNDREDS",description:"",images:[{image:i.A},{image:n.A},{image:o.A},{image:r.A},{image:s.A},{image:l.A},{image:c.A},{image:d.A},{image:u.A},{image:h.A},{image:m.A},{image:p.A},{image:g.A},{image:f.A},{image:y.A},{image:b.A}]},B={small:!1,displayBtn:!1,background:!0,bgImagePng:N.A,bgImageWebp:U.A,title:"Excess Protection Product",subtitle:"Your clients look to you to help them manage risk. Excess protection does exactly that. By accepting high excess, it is often possible to negotiate a lower premium. This is where our excess protection comes into play.",bgColor:"#005d8fb3"},j={theme:"dark",title:"Testimonial",description:"",bgColor:"#005d8f",text:[{subtitle:"James Brown – Managing Director",info:"“Having been an Insurance Broker for over 30 years, I can honestly say that the service & professionalism provided by United Legal Assistance is second to none. I would strongly recommend them to anyone.”"},{subtitle:"Chris Breeze – CEO",info:"“After experiencing numerous issues with previous providers of motor legal expenses policies, we decided to change to United Legal Assistance in September 2014. During this time, the whole team has provided an exceptional service, as well as an innovative approach to our clients and companies needs. ULA are polite, professional and efficient in their dealing.”"},{subtitle:"Cath Allsobrook – Operations Director",info:"“To improve our claims service and provide our clients with a 24 hour backed claims line we decided to test United Legal Assistance. The results were emphatic, with our clients making the effort to tell us of the excellent service they had received in the unfortunate event of a claim. We have since signed up with ULA and our account manager Daniel, has ensured that the transition has been as smooth as possible. The whole team has provided an exceptional service, as well as an innovative approach to our clients and company’s needs. ULA are polite, professional and efficient in their dealing.”"},{subtitle:"Don King – Director Wrightsure Services Ltd",info:"“I can confirm that we have used the above Company for the last 12 months, who have been able to produce a Legal Expenses facility for our Clients, who have not had the benefit of this cover and have found ULA to be thoroughly professional in our dealings with them.”"}]}},5113:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/about-banner-webp-cc1b0b2b332ea4f960059035764e6e49.webp"},2691:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/about-banner-25c5fcfd43f7f314a5cd22b75069c1d7.png"},190:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/everton-93ec6bd22ac004f1942526de0eb4a26e.jpg"},5415:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/everton_overlay-cdbb55f601da182ab03f35b57d18051b.png"},1791:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/manchester-0a32f8df0b4e9775f1375f86ee533f96.jpg"},1166:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/manchester_overlay-517fb79915f4db123d8712198fdc8575.png"},9183:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/paragraph5-48ba6426fd778d98d3f93ebcbbd54a2c.jpeg"},1298:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/services-column1-f55310041448ad1d6c5b61efa710f5d1.webp"},8723:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/services-column2-0d85d814def1ac376b9af05d2af5eda3.webp"},1232:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/services-column3-3d85f86939f5b573bf5ce747f2be4b9b.webp"},5435:function(e,t,a){t.A=a.p+"static/uninsured1-af4441e45c65d9f6c534f377f4703d68.jpg"}}]); //# sourceMappingURL=9e8f5afdae4089cf77e107427c198838e642dc54-34e3c263dcc18d146623.js.map